I use VIM extension in VSCode. One of my favourite commands is to use gt<character>
(ie: 'gtc' to jump to the nearest 'c' character) to jump to a specific character. In a recent update, when I press "gt", VSCode changes tab rather than allowing me to complete my vim command. Does anyone know how to disable this behaviour? Is it coming from VSCode or the VIM extension?
In vim gt
is used to go to next tab and gT
is used to go to previous tab. As vscode vim implements the functionality of vim, you can expect the same behaviour in Vscode if you are using the the vim plugin.
The feature you are looking for can be accomplished by f
i.e. to go to next c character press fc
You can use ; to cycle forward in the direction of the search and , to cyle opposite to direction of the search. For example, ; goes to next occurrence of same character in the line and , goes to previous occurrence.
Then there is F
to go to previous occurrence of a character. Here the direction of search is backwards, therefore ; goes to previous occurrence of same character in the line and , goes to next occurrence.