Search code examples

Query model fields with relationship

I have two models, User and Enumerator. I want to search certain columns in enumerator model and it's relationship in the user model. Here is what i have;


  • unique_id


  • first_name

I want to write a query that'll fetch both unique_id and first_name in the same collection.

Here is what i have;

Enumerator::with(['user' => function($query) {
       $query->select('id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email');
}])->get(['first_name', 'unique_id']);

How can i go about it?


  • if you want to get multiple table columns in the same collection better to use join query here like this

    $joinTableName = (new App\User())->getTable();
    $fromTableName = (new App\Enumerator())->getTable();
    $foreignKey = "enumerators_id"; //user table set foreign key
    $localKey = "id";  //enumerators table column local key
    $selectColumns = [
    $a = App\Enumerator::select($selectColumns)