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Create a generic method to use EqualityComparer that I have defined for specific types

I have many objects in which I want to check that lists of those objects are equal.

For each object I have defined an EqualityComparer:

public class BaseAssociatedEntity : BasePage
    protected IWebElement EntityElement;
    protected virtual IWebElement EntityLink => EntityElement.FindElement(By.TagName("a"));
    public string EntityName => EntityLink.Text;

    public BaseAssociatedEntity(IWebElement entityElement, IWebDriver driver, string username, string password) 
        : base(driver, driver.Url, username, password, TimeoutInSecondsConstants.Three)
        EntityElement = entityElement;

    public bool Equals(BaseAssociatedEntity that)
        return EntityName == that.EntityName;

public class BaseAssociatedEntityEqual : EqualityComparer<BaseAssociatedEntity>
    public override bool Equals(BaseAssociatedEntity x, BaseAssociatedEntity y)
        if (ReferenceEquals(x, y)) return true;
        if (x is null || y is null) return false;

        return x.Equals(y);

    public override int GetHashCode(BaseAssociatedEntity obj) => obj.GetHashCode();

I then want to call the following method to check that 2 lists of type BaseAssociatedEntity are SequenceEqual():

protected bool BothNullOrEqual(List<BaseAssociatedEntity> left, List<BaseAssociatedEntity> right)
    if (left == null && right == null) return true;
    if (left != null && right != null) return left.SequenceEqual(right, new BaseAssociatedEntityEqual());
    return false;

But I end up writing this BothNullOrEqual method for every single object that I have:

protected bool BothNullOrEqual(List<NotificationGroupAssociatedEntity> left,
    List<NotificationGroupAssociatedEntity> right)
    if (left == null && right == null) return true;
    if (left != null && right != null) return left.SequenceEqual(right, new NotificationGroupAssociatedEntityEqual());
    return false;

And so on.. How can I make this method generic so that it works for all types, using the EqualityComparer that I have specifically defined?


  • Just make the method generic in both the data type and the comparer type:

    public static bool BothNullOrEqual<TData, TEqualityComparer>
        (IEnumerable<TData> left, IEnumerable<TData> right)
        where TEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<TData>, new()
        if (left is null && right is null)
            return true;
        if (left is null || right is null)
            return false;
        return left.SequenceEqual(right, new TEqualityComparer());

    An alternative single expression version:

    public static bool BothNullOrEqual<TData, TEqualityComparer>
        (IEnumerable<TData> left, IEnumerable<TData> right)
        where TEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<TData>, new() =>
        left is null
        ? right is null
        : right is object && left.SequenceEqual(right, new TEqualityComparer());