Search code examples

the struc type data in 8086asm can not print

outputstring macro x
        push ax
        push dx
        mov ah,9
        mov dx,offset x
        int 21h ;
        pop dx
        pop ax
inputstring macro x
        push ax
        push dx
        mov ah,0ah
        mov dx,offset x
        int 21h ;
        pop dx
        pop ax

display struc                ;struc
ex1 db 20,0,20 dup('$')   ;ex1
display ends
assume cs:code,ds:data
data segment
stu_temp display<>
question db "please input a string:",'$'
data ends
code segment
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
outputstring question
inputstring stu_temp.ex1
call next_line

outputstring stu_temp.ex1+2

mov ah,2
mov dl,9 
int 21h  ;ascii(9)=tab

outputstring stu_temp.ex1+2

mov ah,2
mov dl,9
int 21h  ;ascii(9)=tab

outputstring stu_temp.ex1+2

mov ax,4c00h
int 21h

    push dx
    push ax
    mov dl,0dh
    mov ah,2
    int 21h
    mov dl,0ah
    int 21h
    pop ax
    pop dx

code ends
end start

I think the result should be

xxxxx(your input) "tab" xxxxx(your input) "tab" xxxxx(your input)

for example,

input thank,

it should output "thank thank thank"

but i got this

enter image description here

i am confused for 2days

what is the solution to this problem? Any help is appreciated

what is the solution to this problem? Any help is appreciated


  • Like @Michael Petch said,

    Int 21h/ah=0ah read a string, the string returned includes the carriage return (0dh)

    So use

    mov bl, [x+1] 
    mov bh, 0 
    mov [x+2+bx], '$'