I have a class which I want to use to extract data from a text file (already parsed) and I want do so using dynamically created class methods, because otherwise there would be a lot of repetitive code. Each created class method shall be asociated with a specific line of the text file, e.g. '.get_name()' --> read a part of 0th line of text file. My idea was to use a dictionary for the 'to-be-created' method names and corresponding line.
import sys
import inspect
test_file = [['Name=Jon Hancock'],
['Author=Donald Duck']]
# intented method names
fn_names = {'get_name': 0, 'get_date': 1, 'get_author': 2}
class Filer():
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
def __get_line(cls):
name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
line = fn_names[name] # <-- causes error because __get_line is not in fn_names
print(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name) # <-- '__get_line'
print(inspect.currentframe().f_code.co_name) # <-- '__get_line'
return print(cls.file[line][0].split('=')[1])
for key, val in fn_names.items():
setattr(Filer, key, __get_line)
f = Filer(test_file)
When I try to access the method name to link the method to the designated line in the text file, I do get an error because the method name is always '__get_line' instead of e.g. 'get_author' (what I had hoped for). Another way how I thought to solve this was to make '__get_line' accepting an additional argument (line) and set it by passing the val during 'the setattr()' as shown below:
def __get_line(cls, line):
return print(cls.file[line][0].split('=')[1])
for key, val in fn_names.items():
setattr(Filer, key, __get_line(val))
however, then Python complains that 1 argument (line) is missing.
Any ideas how to solve that?
I would propose a much simpler solution, based on some assumptions. Your file appears to consist of key-value pairs. You are choosing to map the line number to a function that processes the right hand side of the line past the =
symbol. Python does not conventionally use getters. Attributes are much nicer and easier to use. You can have getter-like functionality by using property
objects, but you really don't need that here.
class Filer():
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
for line in file:
name, value = line[0].split('=', 1)
setattr(self, name.lower(), value)
That's all you need. Now you can use the result:
>>> f = Filer(test_file)
>>> f.author
'Donald Duck'
If you want to have callable methods exactly like the one you propose for each attribute, I would one-up your proposal and not even have a method to begin with. You can actually generate the methods on the fly in __getattr__
class Filer():
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in fn_names:
index = fn_names[name]
def func(self):
print(self.file[index][0].split('=', 1)[1])
func.__name__ = func.__qualname__ = name
return func.__get__(self, type(self))
return super().__getattr__(name)
Calling __get__
is an extra step that makes the function behave as if it were a method of the class all along. It binds the function object to the instance, even through the function is not part of the class.
For example:
>>> f = Filer(test_file)
>>> f.get_author
<bound method get_author of <__main__.Filer object at 0x0000023E7A247748>>
>>> f.get_author()
'Donald Duck'