I know I can use *args
, I know I can use *, arg
, and I know I can use quotes around the command to make them read as one argument. The last option seems appealing to be but is there a way to make the bot automatically assume there are quotes around a certain argument to allow multiple words? Maybe allowing as many words as I want until a specific character is used, then it breaks into the next argument? I can't use *args for this because the final argument needs to allow multiple words too. Without reconstructing the command, how can I allow an argument to accept multiple words?
I've seen a bot do this before, but it was in js, so I'm actually thinking it might not be possible but idk.
This function will let you do that. It will loop through the string, adding each character to a separate string, and if it comes across the specified delimiter, it appends that string to a list. It keeps doing this until it reaches the end of the given string.
def seperArgs(arg,delimeter):
finalArgs = []
toAppend = ''
index = 0
for i in arg:
if(i == delimeter):
toAppend = ''
toAppend += i
if(index == len(arg) - 1):
toAppend = ''
index += 1
return finalArgs
print(seperArgs('hello my name is -world -land','-'))
#should print: ['hello my name is', 'world', 'land']