How can I dynamically create a subclass of my class and provide arguments to its __init_subclass__()
Example class:
class MyClass:
def __init_subclass__(cls, my_name):
print(f"Subclass created and my name is {my_name}")
Normally I'd implement my subclass as such:
class MySubclass(MyClass, my_name="Ellis"):
But how would I pass in my_name
when dynamically creating a subclass of MyClass
using a metaclass? Normally I could use type()
but it doesn't have the option of providing my_name
MyDynamicSubclass = type("MyDynamicSubclass", (MyClass,), {})
The basic documentation for type
does not mention that it accepts an unlimited number of keyword-only arguments, which you would supply through the keywords in a class
statement. The only place this is hinted in is in the Data Model in the section Creating the class object:
Once the class namespace has been populated by executing the class body, the class object is created by calling
metaclass(name, bases, namespace, **kwds)
(the additional keywords passed here are the same as those passed to__prepare__
Normally, you would not use this feature with type
exactly because of __init_subclass__
The default implementation
does nothing, but raises an error if it is called with any arguments.
Since you have overriden the default implementation, you can create your dynamic class as
MyDynamicSubclass = type("MyDynamicSubclass", (MyClass,), {}, my_name="Ellis")