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Can't access array data passed from CodeIgniter controller to view

I am having a problem trying to pass a variable from the controller to the view. I think I am doing a mistake somewhere, I can't find it since I am new to it.

My controller Method is :

public function paymentdetail($order_code)
    $paymentDetail = $this->Payment_Model->getpaymentdetail($order_code);
    $orderDetail = $this->Payment_Model->getOrderDetail($order_code);
    //        echo print_r($paymentDetail);
    $datas['content'] = $this->load->view('payment/paymentDetail',
        array('paymentDetail' => $paymentDetail,
            'orderDetail' => $orderDetail), true);
    $this->load->view('layouts/main_template', $datas);

The following model function getpaymentdetail() returns an array (result_array()) and this is the one I am concerned about. If I can work this one out then I can also work with other model methods.


When I type <?php echo $paymentDetail['column_name']; ?> in view file(PaymentDetail.php) I get an error

Undefined index: column_name

Why do I get this error?


  • model function getpaymentdetail() returns an array (result_array())

    those arrays are normally structured like this:

        [0] => Array
                [ID] => 3120
                [column_name] => col1

    hence you cannot access column_name via <?php echo $paymentDetail['column_name']; ?> as this index doesn't exist in your array structure.

    if you move one index deeper, then it will work: <?php echo $paymentDetail[0]['column_name']; ?>

    Attention, if you expect more than 1 row to be returned, above will only access the first result (indexed 0) row! You'd need a foreach loop to get all results, see Generating Query Results - result arrays