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Boost spirit debug output does not appear

I am trying the Second Answer of this question. The parsing itself works fine, but after uncommenting the #define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG on the first line, the BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG output still does not appear anywhere.

When I add these 3 lines below to the main(), I am seeing all 3 lines appear in my terminal. However, I don't see any parser debug lines. What is missing?

std::cout << "Hello cout" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Hello cerr" << std::endl;
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << "Hello boost spirit debug out" << std::endl;

Probably worth mentioning I am using Qt Creator.


  • I cannot reproduce this:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    int main() {
        std::cout << "Hello cout" << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Hello cerr" << std::endl;
        BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_OUT << "Hello boost spirit debug out" << std::endl;


    Hello cout
    Hello cerr
    Hello boost spirit debug out

    So all the usual culprits are:

    • build out of date
    • running a different binary than the one built
    • precompiled headers ruining your day? That would [in any compiler I know of] lead to a warning when you include anything before the precompiled header include, but noting it just in case.

    Here's that linked second answer demo Live On Coliru with debug output (or without):

    input:  -99
    eval:   -99
          <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g]]</attributes>
        <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g]]</attributes>
      <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g]]</attributes>
    input:  'string'
    eval:   string
    input:  AnswerToLTUAE()
    eval:   42
              <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g]]</attributes>
            <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g]]</attributes>
          <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g]]</attributes>
        <attributes>[[g, n, i, r, t, s]]</attributes>
      <attributes>[[g, n, i, r, t, s]]</attributes>
    input:  ReverseString('string')
    eval:   gnirts
          <try>'string', 987)</try>
            <try>'string', 987)</try>
            <try>'string', 987)</try>
              <try>'string', 987)</try>
              <success>, 987)</success>
              <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g]]</attributes>
            <success>, 987)</success>
            <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g]]</attributes>
          <success>, 987)</success>
          <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g]]</attributes>
          <try> 987)</try>
            <try> 987)</try>
            <try> 987)</try>
        <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g, 9, 8, 7]]</attributes>
      <attributes>[[s, t, r, i, n, g, 9, 8, 7]]</attributes>
    input:  Concatenate('string', 987)
    eval:   string987
      <try>Concatenate('The Ans</try>
        <try>Concatenate('The Ans</try>
          <try>'The Answer Is ', An</try>
            <try>'The Answer Is ', An</try>
            <try>'The Answer Is ', An</try>
              <try>'The Answer Is ', An</try>
              <success>, AnswerToLTUAE())</success>
              <attributes>[[T, h, e,  , A, n, s, w, e, r,  , I, s,  ]]</attributes>
            <success>, AnswerToLTUAE())</success>
            <attributes>[[T, h, e,  , A, n, s, w, e, r,  , I, s,  ]]</attributes>
          <success>, AnswerToLTUAE())</success>
          <attributes>[[T, h, e,  , A, n, s, w, e, r,  , I, s,  ]]</attributes>
          <try> AnswerToLTUAE())</try>
            <try> AnswerToLTUAE())</try>
        <attributes>[[T, h, e,  , A, n, s, w, e, r,  , I, s,  , 4, 2]]</attributes>
      <attributes>[[T, h, e,  , A, n, s, w, e, r,  , I, s,  , 4, 2]]</attributes>
    input:  Concatenate('The Answer Is ', AnswerToLTUAE())
    eval:   The Answer Is 42