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Python function that returns true if 2 integers are coprime

I need some help to find my bugs in this function:

def is_coprime(num_1, num_2):
    """Function that returns true if 2 integers are coprime. """
    if num_1 > num_2:
        small = num_2
        small = num_1
    for i in range(1, small + 1):
        if ((num_1 % i == 0) and (num_2 % i != 0)):
            gcd = i
        if (gcd == 1):
            return True
            return False

Hope the indentation isn't so bad. I think my mistake is in the if-condition, but I can't figure out what.


  • I would suggest this approach:

    def divisors(x):
        return {i for i in range(2, x//2 + 1) if not x % i}
    def coprime(x, y):
        return divisors(x).isdisjoint(divisors(y))

    How does it work? divisors(x) returns the set f all divisors of a number greater than 1. The coprie(x, y) function check, if given sets are disjoint.