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ASP.NET Core 3 adding route prefix

In Startup.cs I added api/ to the start of my route pattern.

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
        name: "default",
        pattern: "api/{controller}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

But it hasn't done anything: the old URLs continue to work and the ones that start with /api return 404. This makes no sense!

How do I get my API to be served under /api?


  • Global Route Prefix in ASP.NET Core 3.0

    Create a custom MvcOptionsExtensions

        public static class MvcOptionsExtensions
            public static void UseCentralRoutePrefix(this MvcOptions opts, IRouteTemplateProvider routeAttribute)
                opts.Conventions.Insert(0, new RouteConvention(routeAttribute));
        public class RouteConvention : IApplicationModelConvention
            private readonly AttributeRouteModel _centralPrefix;
            public RouteConvention(IRouteTemplateProvider routeTemplateProvider)
                _centralPrefix = new AttributeRouteModel(routeTemplateProvider);
            public void Apply(ApplicationModel application)
                foreach (var controller in application.Controllers)
                    var matchedSelectors = controller.Selectors.Where(x => x.AttributeRouteModel != null).ToList();
                    if (matchedSelectors.Any())
                        foreach (var selectorModel in matchedSelectors)
                            selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel = AttributeRouteModel.CombineAttributeRouteModel(_centralPrefix,
                    var unmatchedSelectors = controller.Selectors.Where(x => x.AttributeRouteModel == null).ToList();
                    if (unmatchedSelectors.Any())
                        foreach (var selectorModel in unmatchedSelectors)
                            selectorModel.AttributeRouteModel = _centralPrefix;

    Codes in Startup.cs

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddControllersWithViews(opt => {
                opt.UseCentralRoutePrefix(new RouteAttribute("api"));

    Test of result

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