I want to create a program where the user can create different buttons with the click of the mouse, those buttons should be independent. With this logic, the user can create a checkbutton that works, change from green to red when is selected. My problem is that if the user click the mouse again, the checkbutton moves instead of creating a new checkbutton. Any suggestion how to do it?
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
button1 = IntVar()
def color_checkbutton(): # define the colors of the checkbutton
if button1.get() == 1:
example_checkbutton = Checkbutton(root, variable=button1, textvariable=button1, command=color_checkbutton)
def place_checkbutton_in_canvas(e): # order to insert the checkbutton
xx_and = e.x
yy_and = e.y
example_checkbutton.place(x=xx_and, y=yy_and)
root.bind('<Button-1>', place_checkbutton_in_canvas)
You do only have one example_checkbutton. Whenever you call the .place()
method, this button is moved around.
If you want new ones, just create them as new Checkbox-widgets:
def place_checkbutton_in_canvas(e): # order to insert the checkbutton
if len(str(e.widget))<3: ## Don't place a new one if a checkbox was clicked
xx_and = e.x
yy_and = e.y
Checkbutton(root, variable=button1, textvariable=button1, command=color_checkbutton).place(x=xx_and, y=yy_and)
This creates new checkbuttons which are all linked to the button1
If you want new checkbuttons, you'll have to maintain a list of IntVar() and Checkbutton() objects which is getting longer with each click. The code below should work. I also execute the color change upon creation to create them green and red.
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
buttons = []
class CMD: #Auxilliary function for callbacks using parameters. Syntax: CMD(function, argument1, argument2, ...)
def __init__(s1, func, *args):
s1.func = func
s1.args = args
def __call__(s1, *args):
args = s1.args+args
def color_checkbutton(pos=0): # define the colors of the checkbutton
if buttons[pos][0].get() == 1:
def place_checkbutton_in_canvas(e): # order to insert the checkbutton
if len(str(e.widget))<3: ## Don't place a new one if a checkbox was clicked
b = IntVar()
pos = len(buttons)
xx_and = e.x
yy_and = e.y
buttons.append([b,pos, Checkbutton(root, variable=b, textvariable=b, command=CMD(color_checkbutton,pos))])
buttons[-1][2].place(x=xx_and, y=yy_and)
root.bind('<Button-1>', place_checkbutton_in_canvas)