I am trying` to convert the below input dataframe to the output dataframe
import pandas as pd
data = {'Model1': [86,23,32,13,45,12],
'Model2': [96,98,34,12,22,19],
'Model3': [56,23,44,12,32,33]
Input = pd.DataFrame(data,
index=['I1', 'I2','I3','I4','I5','I6'])
Output = pd.DataFrame(data={'Best Model': ['Model2','Model2', 'Model3','Model1', 'Model1', 'Model3'],
'Best Model Accuracy': [96,98,44,13,45,33]},
columns=['Best Model','Best Model Accuracy'],
index=['I1', 'I2','I3','I4','I5','I6'])
Logic: I have 3 models accuracy results with me for 6 customers and I want to pick the best model with its accuracy for each of the customer. Best model would mean the model with maximum accuracy for that customer.
I am able to do the pivot of each but stuck at finding the best accuracy for each customer logic
You can use idxmax
and lookup
idx = Input.idxmax(1)
output = pd.DataFrame({'Best Model':idx,
'Best Acc':Input.lookup(Input.index, idx)
Best Model Best Acc
I1 Model2 96
I2 Model2 98
I3 Model3 44
I4 Model1 13
I5 Model1 45
I6 Model3 33