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How Do I Setup a Git Workflow for a Django Wagtail application?

I'm currently the only person working on this project. I am using git and GitHub to pass the project between two computers has I move around. Both are set up identically to run the project in development.

I am now wanting to push the project to a server. I am not asking about setting up the server or altering the wagtail project for production.

What I would like to know how to do is to continue being able to pass my project between my computers to work on, but I would also like to be able to push to the live server.

I understand using the .gitignore file to ignore files you don't want to replace so that you can keep your server settings and what not. That'd be fine if I was using one computer with a server. But what if I want to continue passing the project between by dev computers and the server? It seams like I would need a second .gitignore file to use when sending to the server. I want to share my sqlite.db between my computers, for instance, but I don't want to send it to the server.

I am caught up on using the master branch for production and an alt branch for dev. I'm just confused on how to separate files between them.


  • have you considered building two separate django setting files ? One for dev environnement and one for production. By gitignoring them, you can setup a database in prod different than the dev one.

    Maybe you can gitignore ".gitignore" file itself and setup one for dev and one for prod which will avoid pulling .sqlite file for instance.

    Good luck