I have used rodio crate for playing audio from local file, by going through docs, but not able to figure out how to play audio using url.
Here is a simple example using blocking reqwest. This downloads the entire audio file into memory before it starts playing.
use std::io::{Write, Read, Cursor};
use rodio::Source;
fn main() {
// Remember to add the "blocking" feature in the Cargo.toml for reqwest
let resp = reqwest::blocking::get("http://websrvr90va.audiovideoweb.com/va90web25003/companions/Foundations%20of%20Rock/13.01.mp3")
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(resp.bytes().unwrap()); // Adds Read and Seek to the bytes via Cursor
let source = rodio::Decoder::new(cursor).unwrap(); // Decoder requires it's source to impl both Read and Seek
let device = rodio::default_output_device().unwrap();
rodio::play_raw(&device, source.convert_samples()); // Plays on a different thread
loop {} // Don't exit immediately, so we can hear the audio
If you want to implement actual streaming, where parts of the audio file is downloaded then played, and more gets fetched later as it is needed, it gets quite a bit more complicated. See this entry about partial downloads in the Rust Cookbook: https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-cookbook/web/clients/download.html#make-a-partial-download-with-http-range-headers
I believe it can also be done easier with async reqwest, but I am still experimenting with that myself.