This is my sql query,
select emailid,
from [dbo].[clientbase]
where emailsent time > '1995-01-02'
and emailsent time < '1995-01-03'
order by emailsenttime desc
But it's pulling all the emailids on that date, I only want to show the top row of record(because that is the most recent emailid sent on that date.
I want to experiment, since currently I'm doing by descending, if I'm doing ascending(which would be the least recent one).
But how do I get the top record only without pulling all the data.
what I mean is one I ran this query, it shows data like this
emailid emailsenttime
1986789 1995-01-02 22:51:12
1986788 1995-01-02 22:50:12
1986787 1995-01-02 22:49:12
1986786 1995-01-02 22:48:12
You want a row-limiting query.
In standard SQL, you would go:
select ...
from ...
where ...
order by emailsenttime desc
fetch first 1 row only
That said, the syntax may vary depending on your database, for example:
MySQL, Postgres:
select ...
from ...
where ...
order by emailsenttime desc
limit 1
Older versions of SQL Server:
select top (1) ...
from ...
where ...
order by emailsenttime desc