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Why does PhpStorm not recognize my import for Method and Template being used in Annotations?

I have a symfony 3.4 project in PhpStorm 2020.2. I import the following annotations

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;

and use them, for example here:

/** @Route("/feedback/delete/{id}", name="feedbackDelete") @Method("DELETE") */


/** @Route("/dashboard", name="dashboard") @Template() */

Now PhpStorm tells me Import 'Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method' is never used - same for Template. That is not true, but why does PhpStorm not recognize it?

I use the plugins PHP Annotations 7.1.3 and Symfony Support 0.21.202.

It's annoying because it always shows up in code analyses and I can't auto-optimize imports, because it breaks the code.

I thought, why bothering to ask - symfony 3.4 is old and I will probably soon migrate to symfony 5.X. But migration is a headache and since I recently talked with someone from a big symfony project where they still use 2.*, I thought there might actually be more people with this problem.


  • After experimenting a bit, I found the problem:

    The PhpStorm plugin PHP Annotations does recognize the annotation, if it is starting in a new line of the PhpDoc. So while @Template is not recognized as used here:

    /** @Route("/dashboard", name="dashboard") @Template() */

    it works, if I change it to

     * @Route("/dashboard", name="dashboard")
     * @Template()

    or even this is enough:

    /** @Route("/dashboard", name="dashboard")
     *  @Template() */

    I don't really like that since I like to keep my line count low and I don't see any advantage of putting this small annotation in a new line, but at least now I have a work-around.

    I also opened an issue for this which can be found here: