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Where to find further BlueZ logging and debugging output

I am working on an embedded Bluetooth project where I have a Nordic MCU (Slave) and an iMX6 SoM based board as master running Linux for ARM. Now a basic

scan on
pair AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF #not the real MAC-address

does work on our development machines but fails with an instant AuthenticationFailed error on the iMX6 board. Beacons and their data are received just fine.

Neigther dmesg nor journalctl do give helping output so I would like to ask you if there is any additional logging/debugging output ressource where I can look to narrow down the cause?

Best regards



  • Depends how you are starting bluetoothd.

    If you are starting the daemon manually, then you can use the -d options.

    Otherwise, use btmon in another terminal.

    bluetoothctl communicates with bluetoothd using D-Bus which can be monitored with dbus-monitor --system.