i have @nuxtjs/toast
installed and working properly in my application.
I want to show a toast after an action is dispatched.
How can i access $toast
in my actions in my module in the vuex store?
PS: i am using Nuxt with typescript, and from intellisense it seems i can only access $router and $axios.
export const actions: ActionTree<ProfileState, RootState> = {
async updateProfile({ }, user) {
const newUserObj = await this.$axios.post("/me/update", user).then(res => res.data.data);
// this.$toast.info("Hello");
// commit('LOAD_NEW_USER', newUserObj);
First of all, lets fix your action
async updateProfile({commit}, user) {
return new Promise(async(resolve,reject)=>{
try {
const newUserObj = await this.$axios.$post("/me/update", user)
} catch (error) {
To show the toast-
Try this.app.$toast
below the line commit('SET_USER',newUserObj)