My question is related to a similar question/comment which unfortunately never received an answer.
Given a list of multiple Wikipedia pages, e.g.:
how can I find out what type of entity these articles refer to. i.e. ideally I would want something on a higher level e.g. person, movie, animal etc.
My best guess so far was the Wikidata API using SPARQL to move back the instance_of
or subclass
tree. However, this did not lead to meaningful results.
SELECT ?lemma ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?instance ?instanceLabel ?subclassLabel WHERE {
VALUES ?lemma {
"Donald Trump"@en
"The Matrix"@en
"Tiger" @en
?sitelink schema:about ?item;
schema:isPartOf <>;
schema:name ?lemma.
?item wdt:P31* ?instance.
?item wdt:P279* ?subclass.
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,da,sv".}
The result can be seen here:
One option would of course also be to look at the itemDescription
, but I'm afraid that this is too granular to build meaningful groups from larger lists and count frequencies later on.
Does anyone have a hint/idea on how to get more general entity categories? Maybe also from the mediawiki API?
Any input would be highly appreciated!
Here are three possibilities, side-by-side:
SELECT ?lemma ?item (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?instanceLabel; SEPARATOR = " ") AS ?a) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?subclassLabel; SEPARATOR = " ") AS ?b) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?isaLabel; SEPARATOR = " ") AS ?c) WHERE {
VALUES ?lemma {
"Donald Trump"@en
"The Matrix"@en
?sitelink schema:about ?item;
schema:isPartOf <>;
schema:name ?lemma.
OPTIONAL { ?item (wdt:P31/(wdt:P279*)) ?instance. }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P279 ?subclass. }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P31 ?isa. }
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,da,sv".
?instance rdfs:label ?instanceLabel.
?subclass rdfs:label ?subclassLabel.
?isa rdfs:label ?isaLabel.
# Here, you could add: FILTER(?instanceLabel in ("mammal"@en, "movie"@en, "musical"@en (and so on...)))
GROUP BY ?lemma ?item
Live here.
If you're looking at labels such as "film" and "mammal", i. e. a couple dozen at most, you could explicitly list them in order of preference, then use the first one that occurs.
Note that you may be running into this bug: