I am currently trying to fix the visual output of a generated Corrplot but have so far been unsuccessful with two things:
The title always gets chopped off the top
I can't change the color of the labels from red to black
A <- seq(1, 100, by=1)
B <- sample(A,100, replace =T)
C <- sample(A,100, replace =T)
D <- sample(A,100, replace =T)
E <- sample(A,100, replace =T)
sample(A,100, replace =T)
X <- data.frame(A,B,C,D,E)
X <- cor(X, method = c("spearman"))
method = "circle",
type = "upper",
diag = F,
title = "Testing")
Additionally, is it possible to just keep the first 2 variables (i.e A and B) and show the correlation horizontal with every other parameter C-E? Thanks for the pointers!
To keep the title from being truncated, use the mar
To adjust the color of the labels, use the tl.col
To have a horizontal display that only shows (A,B) by (C,D,E),
get rid of type="upper"
and diag=F
add is.corr=F
and then just use the part of the matrix that you want X[1:2,3:5]
Putting that all together, we get
method = "circle",
tl.col = "black",
title = "Testing")