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Can two executors / drivers from different Spark applications run on same node in cluster mode?

I read an article in Medium which claims that the number of executors + 1 (for driver), should be a multiple of 3, to efficiently utilize the core on a machine (16 cores, in this case, i.e, 5 per executor and 1 will be reserved for OS and node manager)

I am unable to validate this statement using experimenting on the cluster due to practical reasons. Did anybody try this? or have reference to code/documentation stating Yarn nodes will/not share cluster resources between another Spark application?


  • It's a big question, but in short - basing on the title and YARN in the text:

    • You get resources allocated by YARN that you requested via Spark(submit).

    • A Node has many Executors.

    • You cannot share an Executor at the same time, but the Executor can be relinquished if YARN Dynamic Resource Allocation is in effect, after a Stage has completed.

    • As a Node has many Executors, many Spark Apps can run their Tasks concurrently on the same Node, Worker, if they were granted those resources.