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How to implement Identifiable using two enum variables

Using Swift 5.3, how can I implement the Identifiable protocol on a struct by having its identity depend on the combination of two enum variables?

The code in question is simple,

struct Card: Identifiable {
    let suit: Suit
    let rank: Rank
    enum Suit {
        case spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts
    enum Rank: Int {
        case one = 1, two, three, four, five, six, seven, jack, queen, king

The above struct does not conform to the Identifiable protocol yet. How can I implement its identity as being the unique combination of its suit and rank (which are only created once)? Essentially, its identity could be 'spades-1' or 'diamonds-jack'. Furthermore, if possible I would like to retain the rank as an Int type, to allow for arithmetic later. Thank you in advance!


  • Since this type is exactly defined by the combination of its values, it is its own Identifier. So as long as Card is Hashable, it can identify itself:

    extension Card: Hashable, Identifiable {
        var id: Self { self }