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geom line: set manual color for variables that are grouped

I've data set with three columns as below


where BP is base pair, for each position, there's value in variable column: overall_diff_controls and overall_diff_cases. I'm interested in creating a geom_line ggplot graph using these points.

ggplot(data_sample, aes(x=BP, y=value, group =variable,color=variable)) +
scale_fill_manual(values= c("overall_diff_cases"="#9633FF" ,"overall_diff_controls"="#E2FF33")) + geom_line(size=1.2)

If I use the above code, ggplot creates plot with default color. I tried with color code (non hexa decimal)

scale_fill_manual(values= c("overall_diff_cases" = "red" , "overall_diff_controls" = "black"))

I tried setting up setNames but in vain:

ggplot(data_sample, aes(x=BP, y=value, group = variable,color=variable)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=setNames(c("overall_diff_cases","overall_diff_controls"), c( "black","red"))) +

How do I set the colors of my interests? The data format needs to stay as shown in the same data frame.


  • Try this:

    ggplot(data_sample, aes(x=BP, y=value,
                            group =variable,color=variable)) +
      scale_color_manual(values= c("overall_diff_cases"="#9633FF" ,
                                   "overall_diff_controls"="#E2FF33")) + geom_line(size=1.2)


    enter image description here

    With scale_color_manual() you can set the colors you want.