I have Power automate which run as webhook to dynamics i.e Trigger is HTTP request.
Once this request run it contains body as RemoteExecutionObject.
Example below
"BusinessUnitId": "eedd1dcd-1318-e611-80d3-005056936c69",
"CorrelationId": "8385868f-4fa4-42a0-9c83-6b63a5cd4774",
"Depth": 2,
"InitiatingUserAzureActiveDirectoryObjectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"InitiatingUserId": "91ff1dcd-1318-e611-80d3-005056936c69",
"InputParameters": [
"key": "Target",
"value": {
"__type": "Entity:http://schemas.microsoft.com/xrm/2011/Contracts",
"Attributes": [
"key": "crm_abc",
"value": null
I wish to retrieve particualr field and it's value from InputParameetrs in Power automate.
Here is one close to example mentioning how it can be achieved. But it is still not clear
Does any one have idea about the same.
solved this particular challenge with variables and using array/object one at a time.
for ex: First retrieved InputParameters as array from Json
then used index 0 so that I get complete InputParameters as object
Then to get Values Array as below
and then attributes as Array
Note we can directly retrive Attributes with above expression.
Now to get particular field from Attributes array, I used filter array action from power automate and used it as
Similar way we can retrive various fields