I have a web app using aws appsync as backend and react + apollo client (v3) as front end. But when I try connecting apollo client to appsync, I get an error message from the library:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'react-apollo' in '/Users/mypath/web/node_modules/aws-appsync-react/lib'
Here's the config for the client:
import AWSAppSyncClient from "aws-appsync";
import AppSyncConfig from "./aws-exports";
export const apolloClient = new AWSAppSyncClient({
url: AppSyncConfig.aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint,
region: AppSyncConfig.aws_appsync_region,
auth: {
type: AppSyncConfig.aws_appsync_authenticationType,
apiKey: AppSyncConfig.aws_appsync_apiKey,
And the in my App.ts
import { ApolloProvider } from "@apollo/client";
import { Rehydrated } from "aws-appsync-react";
import { apolloClient } from "./apollo";
<ApolloProvider client={apolloClient}>
<MyApp />
Looks like a compatibility issue?
I'm using "@apollo/client": "^3.1.3", "aws-appsync": "^4.0.0","aws-appsync-react": "^4.0.0",
It is a compatibility issue. Current version of aws-appsync
doesn't support apollo-client
v3, see this thread for progress:
Best workaround is this: Proper way to setup AWSAppSyncClient, Apollo & React
Note the workaround does use two deprecated libraries but can be slightly improved as:
import { ApolloClient, ApolloLink, InMemoryCache } from "@apollo/client";
import { createAuthLink } from "aws-appsync-auth-link";
import { createHttpLink } from "apollo-link-http";
import AppSyncConfig from "./aws-exports";
const url = AppSyncConfig.aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint;
const region = AppSyncConfig.aws_project_region;
const auth = {
type: AppSyncConfig.aws_appsync_authenticationType,
apiKey: AppSyncConfig.aws_appsync_apiKey,
const link = ApolloLink.from([
// @ts-ignore
createAuthLink({ url, region, auth }),
// @ts-ignore
createHttpLink({ uri: url }),
const client = new ApolloClient({
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
export default client;