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Invoke-Pester to only run a single Assert/It block

I am writing unit tests for my Powershell Modules, with a file for each module, and Describe blocks for each function. Context blocks organize the tests along the behavior I am trying to test for with some arrange code, and my It blocks contain minimal arrange/act code and a assert.

I can limit my tests to only run a single test file by using Invoke-Pester "Path/To/Module" I can also limit based on the Describe blocks by using Invoke-Pester "Path/To/Module" -TestName @("RunThisDescribe","AndRunThisDescribe")

As I am adding a new assertion (via a new It block) to an existing file/Describe/Context, I want to test/debug my new assertion alone, without the rest of the assertions of a given describe/context running (but with any mocks/variables that I set at the describe/context scope still available.

I have been commenting out my existing assertions while I am developing the new one, then remove the block comments and run them all after I am finished with the new test. This works, but is clunky.

Is there a way to run Invoke-Pester to only execute a given list of Its? Is there a better workflow for developing/debuging new tests other than either letting all of them run or commenting them out?


  • I know, this question is pretty old, but it deserves an update:

    Starting with Pester version 5, you can have a Tag on everything: Describe, Context, It

    This makes it really easy to run specific assertions and nothing else. You can even exclude specific tags.

    Please see for details.

    Also check out the braking changes, if you plan to migrate from version 4 to 5! There are some deprecated parameters for Invoke-Pester such as -TagFilter and -ExcludeTagFilter. In the latest version of pester, you can specify tags through the New-PesterConfiguration