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Use jobParameters in mapper

I'm creating a job with Spring Batch, the job is launched manually from a Camel Processor.

I need to pass some parameters to my job, and one of them need to be used in the mapper of my job but I can't find a way to achieve this.

Here is my job:

    public LineMapper<MyEntity> lineMapper() {
        DefaultLineMapper<MyEntity> lineMapper = new DefaultLineMapper<MyEntity>();
        DelimitedLineTokenizer lineTokenizer = new DelimitedLineTokenizer() {
                setNames(new String[] { "val1", "val2" });


        lineMapper.setFieldSetMapper(new MyEntityFieldsetMapper());

        return lineMapper;

    public class MyEntityFieldsetMapper implements FieldSetMapper<MyEntity> {

        public MyEntity mapFieldSet(FieldSet fieldSet) throws BindException {
            MyEntity MyEntity = new MyEntity();
            // Here I need to set the variable in job parameters

            return MyEntity;

    public FlatFileItemReader<MyEntity> MyEntityFlatFileItemReader(
                    String inputCsvPath, @Value("#{jobParameters[myCustomVal]}")
                    String myCustomVal) {
        //Create reader instance
        FlatFileItemReader<MyEntity> reader = new FlatFileItemReader<MyEntity>();

        //Set input file location
        reader.setResource(new FileSystemResource(inputCsvPath));

        //Set number of lines to skips. Use it if file has header rows.

        //Configure how each line will be parsed and mapped to different values
        return reader;

    public Job readCSVFilesJob(JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory, StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory,
                               ItemReader<MyEntity> MyEntityItemReader, ItemWriter<MyEntity> MyEntityWriter) {

        Step step = stepBuilderFactory.get("step").<MyEntity, MyEntity>chunk(10000).reader(MyEntityItemReader)

        return jobBuilderFactory.get("readCSVFilesJob").incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer()).start(step).build();

I can get the jobParameters in the ItemReader but can't pass it to my lineMapper and FieldSetMapper.

Is there a way to do this ?


  • Make your LineMapper bean step scoped and inject job parameters in it as you did for the reader, for example:

    public LineMapper<MyEntity> lineMapper(@Value("#{jobParameters[inputCsvPath]}") String inputCsvPath) {
       // use job parameter here

    You might also need to declare MyEntityFieldsetMapper as a step scoped bean if you want to inject job parameters in it as well.