Given N integers. A triplet of numbers is a set of three numbers whose sum is divisible by a constant M. Find out how many distinct triplets of numbers, from given N integers , have their sum divisible by M. What would be an optimal algorithm to find the answer to this problem ?
Please Note: Every element is treated as different irrespective of their actual value .
There's an O(N + M^2) solution.
First create an array C[M] where C[i] contains the number of the input numbers that are i mod M. This takes O(N) time.
Then for each i <= j <= k with i+j+k=0 mod M, count triples (a, b, c) with a=i (mod M), b=j (mod M), c=k(mod M).
We can do this efficiently by looping over i and j, and finding the unique k that causes the sum to be 0 (mod M), ignoring the combination if k<j. We have to be careful counting to make sure that we count unique triples; if i, j, k are distinct the number of triples is simply C[i] * C[j] * C[k], but if two or more of the indices are the same, we have to be careful not to allow the same number to be reused. For example, if i=j!=k, then there's choose(C[i], 2) * C[k] triples.
Here's complete code, which produces the correct answer 26 for the given test case:
def choose2(n):
return n * (n-1) // 2
def choose3(n):
return n * (n-1) * (n-2) // 6
def triples(A, M):
C = [0] * M
for a in A:
C[a % M] += 1
T = 0
for i in range(M):
for j in range(i, M):
k = (-i - j) % M
if k < j:
if i == j == k:
T += choose3(C[i])
elif i == j:
T += choose2(C[i]) * C[k]
elif j == k:
T += C[i] * choose2(C[j])
T += C[i] * C[j] * C[k]
return T
print(triples([1, 10, 4, 3, 2, 5, 0, 1, 9, 5], 5))