I would like to download images which I search on google using Puppeteer. However after I click the images buttons, below $.eval
functions are not working. It said failed to find element matching selector div[jsname="I4bIT"]
. I wonder if clicking something using $$.eval
change the page instance? Thank you very much in advance.
async function findAndDownloadImage(page, elem = 'hello') {
try {
await page.goto(`https://www.google.com/search?q=${elem}+expression`);
await page.$$eval('.HF9Klc.iJddsb', elem => elem[1].click()); //click picture button
await page.$eval('div[jsname="I4bIT"]', clickAction); //click tool button
await page.$eval('div[aria-label="大小"]', clickAction); //click sizeButton
await page.$eval('a[aria-label="大"]', clickAction); //click largeOption
await page.$eval('.rg_i.Q4LuWd', clickAction); //click 1st image
} catch (e) {
You need to wait after the first click until the image-search tab's elements are loaded into the DOM. It can be achieved with page.waitForSelector
await page.$$eval('.HF9Klc.iJddsb', elem => elem[1].click()); //click picture button
await page.waitForSelector('div[jsname="I4bIT"]'); //wait for image-search tab loaded v1
await page.$eval('div[jsname="I4bIT"]', clickAction); //click tool button
...or page.waitForNavigation
await page.$$eval('.HF9Klc.iJddsb', elem => elem[1].click()); //click picture button
await page.waitForNavigation(); //wait for image-search tab loaded v2
await page.$eval('div[jsname="I4bIT"]', clickAction); //click tool button