I copy the structure of schema2.card_master over to schema1.card_master using
hive> create table schema1.card_master like schema2.card_master;
That works, and it is partitioned as was the original on a field. This new table has hundreds of fields so they are inconvenient to list out, but I want all the fields populated from the original table using a Join filter. Now I want to populate it using a JOIN:
hive> insert overwrite table schema1.card_master (select * from schema2.card_master ccm INNER JOIN schema1.accounts da on ccm.cm13 = da.cm13);
FAILED: SemanticException 1:23 Need to specify partition columns because the destination table is partitioned. Error encountered near token 'cmdl_card_master'
I checked the partition that was copied over, and it was a field mkt_cd that could take on 2 values, US or PR.
So I try
hive> insert overwrite table schema1.card_master PARTITION (mkt_cd='US') (select * from schema2.card_master ccm INNER JOIN schema1.accounts da on ccm.cm13 = da.cm13);
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10044]: Line 1:23 Cannot insert into target table because column number/types are different ''US'': Table insclause-0 has 255 columns, but query has 257 columns.
What is going on here? Is there any work around to load my data without having to explicitly mention all the fields in the Select statement for schema2.card_master ?
select *
selects columns from each table in a join. Use select ccm.*
instead of select *
to select columns from ccm
table only. Also remove static partition specification ('US'), use dynamic instead, because ccm.*
contains partition column, and when you are loading static partition you should not have partition column in the select.
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
insert overwrite table schema1.card_master partition(mkt_cd) --dynamic partition
select ccm.* --use alias
from schema2.card_master ccm
INNER JOIN schema1.accounts da on ccm.cm13 = da.cm13