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Prevent LaTeX comments from printing

I'm including in an RMarkdown document factor analysis results from the psych package. The factor loading table is printed using fa2latex(), in the psychTools package. The R code looks like this:

facm <- fa(corrmat, n.factors = 3, rotate = "varimax", fm = "wls")
fa2latex(facm, font.size = "small", caption = "Mandatory Measure Factor Analysis", heading = "Factor Loadings")

The code chunk options are echo = FALSE, results = "asis"

This produces LaTeX code that looks in part like this:

% Called in the psych package  fa2latex % Called in the psych package  facm % Called in the psych package  small % Called in the psych package  Factor Loadings % Called in the psych package  Mandatory Measure Factor Analysis 
\begin{table}[htpb]\caption{Mandatory Measure Factor Analysis}

The pdf file resulting from this looks like this:

% Called in the psych package fa2latex % Called in the psych package facm % Called in the psych package small % Called in the psych package Factor Loadings % Called in the psych package Mandatory Measure Factor Analysis Table 1: Mandatory Measure Factor Analysis

I don't want to mess with the code in the psychTools package, but I don't want the comments to print. Any ideas on how to effect this?


  • Set silent = TRUE and then pass it to cat().

    ```{r echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'}
                 font.size = "small",
                 caption = "Mandatory Measure Factor Analysis",
                 heading = "Factor Loadings",
                 silent = TRUE))


    enter image description here