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Replace multiple values in a nested map in Clojure

I just spent hours trying to figure this out and even searching for the previous questions but the solutions don't seem to apply so I decided to create a new one.

I have an existing map with certain keys and values that I want to replace with values from another map.

(def m '{a {:*x 0 :*velx 1, :*vely 1}})
(def m' '{a {:*velx 9, :*vely 9}})

(assoc (m 'a) (m' 'a))
;; => {a {:*x 0 :*velx 9, :*vely 9}}

Since assoc needs to take in the content of the map, this doesn't seem to work and I don't know how to 'remove the curly brakets' from it...

Edit: this is different to the suggested existing thread as it's not a list of maps but rather two separate maps and the proposed solution doesn't work in my case.


  • I managed to find it finally!

    (merge-with into m m')
    => {a {:*x 0, :*velx 9, :*vely 9}}