Search code examples

SwiftUI - Navigate to view after retrieving data

So I'm retrieving data from FireStore. I'm retrieving the data successfully. When I tap my search button the first time the data is being downloaded and the new view is pushed. As a result, I get a blank view. But when I go back, hit search again, sure enough I can see my data being presented.

How can I make sure I first have the data I'm searching for THEN navigate to the new view? I've used @State variables etc. But nothing seems to be working. I am using the MVVM approach.

My ViewModel:

class SearchPostsViewModel: ObservableObject {
    var post: [PostModel] = []
 @State var searchCompleted: Bool = false
    func searchPosts(completed: @escaping() -> Void, onError: @escaping(_ errorMessage: String) -> Void) {
            isLoading = true
        API.Post.searchHousesForSale(propertyStatus: propertyStatus, propertyType: propertyType, location: location, noOfBathrooms: noOfBathroomsValue, noOfBedrooms: noOfBedroomsValue, price: Int(price!)) { (post) in
   = post
            self.isLoading = false


The code that does work, but with the bug:

                    NavigationLink(destination: FilterSearchResults(searchViewModel: self.searchPostsViewModel)
                        .onAppear(perform: {
                            DispatchQueue.main.async {


  • Try with the following modified view model

    class SearchPostsViewModel: ObservableObject {
        @Published var post: [PostModel] = []         // << make both published
        @Published var searchCompleted: Bool = false
        func searchPosts(completed: @escaping() -> Void, onError: @escaping(_ errorMessage: String) -> Void) {
                isLoading = true
            API.Post.searchHousesForSale(propertyStatus: propertyStatus, propertyType: propertyType, location: location, noOfBathrooms: noOfBathroomsValue, noOfBedrooms: noOfBedroomsValue, price: Int(price!)) { (post) in
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
          = post           // << update on main queue
                   self.isLoading = false