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How do I filter specific rows in Azure Tables using python SDK

I have data in a Azure storage table with the following schema:

PartitionKey      TimeStamp         Name
..                ...               ...

I want to return all entities with name starting with mem. I am trying to achieve this in python.

I could only find docs on doing a complete string comparison in filter parameter in the SDK ( Is there a way to perform a partial comparison?

The equivalent SQL query is

SELECT * from table where NAME LIKE mem%


  • There is no such operators in azure table storage.

    But there is a trick(here is a blog about this) you can use for your purpose. Define your $filter like below:

    "Name ge 'mem' and Name lt 'men'"

    Here is the test code(for more details, please refer to this doc), and works fine:

    from azure.cosmosdb.table.tableservice import TableService
    from azure.cosmosdb.table.models import Entity
    table_service = TableService(account_name='xxx', account_key='xxx')
    tasks = table_service.query_entities(
        'your_table_name', filter="Name ge 'mem' and Name lt 'men'")
    for task in tasks:

    The test result at my side:

    enter image description here