In a document, I'd like to create an internal link. That works as expected on regular links. But when the heading is itself a hyperlink, that doesn't work. How ought one accomplish this?
Trying to link to [[Heading1]] and [[???]]
* Heading1
These are some contents.
* [[][Heading2]]
These are some more contents.
Go to the second heading and do C-c l
to store the link (assuming you have set up the key binding as suggested in the manual: if not, just say M-x org-store-link RET
Then go to the place where you want to insert the link and do C-c C-l
(or M-x org-insert-link RET
Now try your new link: it worked fine for me.
For the record, this is what the working result looks like:
Trying to link to [[Heading1]] and [[*\[\[\]\[Heading2\]\]][Heading2]]
* Heading1
These are some contents.
* [[][Heading2]]
These are some more contents.