I am trying to add a background image to my blazor project, but when I put a background image I appear on all the pages that I have, How can I do so that the image I want in background only appears in use single page and not on the plus ones?, I have a component (which I use as layout) in which I put the following, this so that in my login I do not appear the menu (I have it as LoginLayout.razor)
@inherits LayoutComponentBase
<div class="col-md-10">
And that LoginLayout I use on my Login.razor page
If I understand you correctly you want a background image for a specific Blazor page/component.
If you have the following setup in your site.CSS/app.CSS:
.page-background-class {
Then in your page you can enclose everything in a div element and give it the class of page-background-class:
<div class="page-background-class">
page stuff goes here