The main problem is FMX dose not support the SomeController->Align = alClient;
but that code will work in the VLC application, so after many googling, I find TAlignLayout.Client
for my case and the documentation of it is here and here, I try many way to use it but it wont work!
I want create Frame in the runtime as you can see in the following code:
TSettings *appSettingsFrame;
appSettingsFrame = new TSettings(viewSettings);
appSettingsFrame->Parent = viewSettings;
appSettingsFrame->Align = TAlignLayout.Client;
is Fire Monkey Frame and I use the above code in FormCreate
event to create it, at runtime.
is TMultiView
and it's place for appSettingsFrame
If I run application for Android target, the error massage point me to 'TAlinLayout' dose not refer to a value
And if I run application for 32-bit Windows target, the error massage point me to Improper use of typedef 'TAlignLayout'
Hope this will help someone, I did used ::
instead of .
to fix issue.
TSettings *appSettingsFrame;
appSettingsFrame = new TSettings(viewSettings);
appSettingsFrame->Parent = viewSettings;
appSettingsFrame->Align = TAlignLayout::Client;