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How to register multiple plugins in vuex?

I already was using the vue-persistedstate plugin in my project. Now I need vuex-pathify plugin as well.

for the persistentstate I prepare a constant including settings:

const persistedStates = [
        key: process.env.PERSISTENT_COOKIE_NAME,
        paths: [
        storage: {
            getItem: key => JSON.stringify(cookies.get(key)),
            setItem: (key, value) => cookies.set(key, value, { path: '/', expires: '6h', secure: false }),
            removeItem: key => cookies.remove(key)
        key: process.env.PERSISTENT_COOKIE_NAME,
        paths: [

and then use it like:

const Store = new Vuex.Store({
    plugin: persistedStates;

now I need to add the pathify plugin as well. I tried

plugin: [persistedStates, pathify.plugin]

but it didn't work and returns an error (vuex.esm.js?94e4:368 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: plugin is not a function). What am I missing?


  • The Vuex doc is pretty straight forward:

    const myPlugin = store => {
      // called when the store is initialized
      store.subscribe((mutation, state) => {
        // called after every mutation.
        // The mutation comes in the format of `{ type, payload }`.
    const store = new Vuex.Store({
      // ...
      plugins: [myPlugin]