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Recover code from older commits of a particular branch

I have a branch A. In that branch I have done several commits for eg. Commit 5 Commit 4 Commit 3 Commit 2 Commit 1 Where commit 1 is the oldest one. All the commits were pushed successfully and i can even see them in bit bucket. The changes i pushed on commit 3 and commit 4 I can't see those changes in my commit 5. How do i recover that data?


  • Sounds like your 'commit 5' is not what you intended. You have two possible options.

    git revert <commit5-id>

    which will create a new commit undoing your 'commit 5'. This is the recommended way forward.

    If you have full permissions on the server, and everyone working on the project understands the consequences and agrees,

    git push -f <remote> <commit4-id>:<branch-name>

    which will remove 'commit 5' all together.