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cannot rename things with dependent induction?

In the middle of my proof, this works

induction H1 as [ | | | | | | | | | ].

But, when I exchange it for

dependent induction H1 as [ | | | | | | | | | ].

I get "Error: Syntax error: [tactic:ltac_use_default] expected after [tactic:tactic] (in [vernac:tactic_command]). "

Can you seriously not choose the names of your variables when doing dependent induction? That would be crazy; I really hope I just have the syntax wrong somehow.

Thank you.


  • After reading the code of Equality.v, here is an attempt to define a notation for dependent induction supporting the as clause.

    From Coq Require Import Program.
    Ltac elim_ind_as p pat := elim_tac ltac:(fun p el => induction p as pat using el) p.
    Ltac do_ind_as p pat := introduce p ; (induction p as pat || elim_ind_as p pat).
    Tactic Notation "dependent" "induction" ident(H) "as" simple_intropattern(pat) :=
      do_depind ltac:(fun hyp => do_ind_as hyp pat) H.
    From Coq Require Vector.
    Definition head : forall {A} (n:nat), Vector.t A (S n) -> A.
      intros A n v.
      (* induction v. Would not discard the case t A 0 *)
      dependent induction v as [|a z v IH]. (* For some reason the `z` is renamed to `n`... *)
      exact a.

    Note that it suffers some caveat: this notation use a simple_intropattern whereas the standard induction tactic use an or_and_intropattern_loc that does not seem accessible from Ltac. I filed an issue at #12840.