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How to run multiple methods parallely and get outputs from each of them in java

I want to run three different methods in parallel to improve the performance in Java. Also I need to get the outputs from all the three of them. Below is the sample which I have tried. here, I'm not sure how to retrieve the returned string values. Please help me to add(concatenate all the three strings to total).

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

public class test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String total = "";

        Callable<String> callable1 = new Callable<String>()
            public String call() throws Exception
                String t1 = "";
                t1 = method1();
                return t1;

        Callable<String> callable2 = new Callable<String>()
            public String call() throws Exception
                String t2 = method2();
                return t2;

        Callable<String> callable3 = new Callable<String>()
            public String call() throws Exception
                String t3 = method3();
                return t3;

        List<Callable<String>> taskList = new ArrayList<Callable<String>>();

        ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);

            //total = ;(want to concatenate all the strings here).

        catch (InterruptedException ie)
            //do something if you care about interruption;

    public static String method1()
        return "1";


    private static String method2()
        return "2";

    private static String method3()
        return "3";



  • As taskList is a List<Callable<String>>, executor.invokeAll(taskList) returns a List<Future<String>> containing a Future<String> corresponding to each task in taskList. You need to save that List<Future<String>> so that you can later get at the results of your tasks. Something like this:

    List<Future<String>> futureList = executor.invokeAll(tasklist);
    String result = futureList.get(0).get() +
                    futureList.get(1).get() +

    In addition to InterruptedException, Future.get() can also throw CancellationException and ExecutionException so you need to be prepared to deal with these in your try block.