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how to insert all column header names into a list from qsqltablemodel table?

Below is my db model example:

db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE')

self.model = QtSql.QSqlTableModel(self)

column_names = [ ]

How to get all column header names into a list from qsqltablemodel table?


  • Based on the the API documentation (for the C++ version), the record() function can be used to obtain an empty record, for the purpose of extracting the field names (reference):

    It returns an empty record, having only the field names. This function can be used to retrieve the field names of a record.

    From the record, we can obtain the number of fields and then query the name of each field in a list comprehension expression:

    record = model.record()
    column_names = [ record.fieldName(i) for i in range(record.count()) ]