are they same or completely different? relative path works when youre in a folder and youre trying to go 'back' but absolute paths you have to type out the full directory
is there a shorter way around absolute paths rather than typing out the whole directory path everytime?
the absolute and relative paths are not peculiar of Cygwin. It works in the same way on Unix/Linux and similar in Windows
of course the relative depends from where you are
$ cd /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/9.3.0/
$ pwd
$ cd include
$ pwd
$ cd /usr
$ pwd
$ cd include
$ pwd
you can use PWD
or other variables to short the absolute path
$ cd /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/9.3.0/
$ pwd
$ echo $PWD
$ cd $PWD/include
$ pwd