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How to run test suite in ghcid with cabal?

I've found a reference for doing this in stack in and some mention of it here:

What I've tried:

[nix-shell:~/NewProjects/orgmode-parse]$ cabal v2-repl test
cabal: Cannot open a repl for the package test, it is not in this project
(either directly or indirectly). If you want to add it to the project then
edit the cabal.project file.

[nix-shell:~/NewProjects/orgmode-parse]$ cabal v2-repl Test.test
cabal: Unknown target 'Test.test'.
There is no component 'Test.test'.

[nix-shell:~/NewProjects/orgmode-parse]$ cabal v2-repl Test.test
cabal: Unknown target 'Test.test'.
There is no component 'Test.test'.


  • ghcid --command='cabal v2-repl test:tests' --test 'Main.main'

    Where tests is the name of the test-suite defined in the cabal file. And Main.main refers to the Main module's main function.