I am trying to declare a constant array for validating type properties held by input object. but i am doing something incorrect, please have a look at below code:
// Record to hold Name-Value pair for checking entities
TValues = record
Name : WideString;
Value : Variant;
coarrType1Properties : array[0..5] of TValues =
(Name : 'HARDWARE'; Value : TRUE),
(Name : 'SOFTWARE'; Value : TRUE),
(Name : 'TAG'; Value : TRUE),
(Name : 'AUTHORIZED'; Value : TRUE),
(Name : 'ID'; Value : 700),
(Name : 'CODE'; Value : 0)
but I am getting delphi compile time error for type value i.e. This type cannot be initialized. How to prevent this error? Or can we have alternate solution etc. Please assist...
For these (Boolean, Integer) and other simple types, you could initialize with TVarData
and typecast back to Variant
TValues = record
Name: WideString;
Value: TVarData;
coarrType1Properties : array[0..5] of TValues = (
(Name: 'HARDWARE'; Value: (VType: varBoolean; VBoolean: True)),
(Name: 'SOFTWARE'; Value: (VType: varBoolean; VBoolean: True)),
(Name: 'TAG'; Value: (VType: varBoolean; VBoolean: True)),
(Name: 'AUTHORIZED'; Value: (VType: varBoolean; VBoolean: True)),
(Name: 'ID'; Value: (VType: varInteger; VInteger: 700)),
(Name: 'CODE'; Value: (VType: varInteger; VInteger: 0))
procedure Test;
I: Integer;
for I := Low(coarrType1Properties) to High(coarrType1Properties) do
Writeln(Format('coarrType1Properties[%d]: ''%s'', %s', [I, coarrType1Properties[I].Name, VarToStr(Variant(coarrType1Properties[I].Value))]));