I am using the following command line with Chrome 70 on Windows 10:
chrome --headless --enable-logging --dump-dom http://localhost/test.html
The page contains the following:
<!DOCTYPE html>
setTimeout(function () { document.write("This is a test"); }, 10);
Content to replace.
Notice that I have script simulating an async process to query data. With the timeout set to 10ms the page output from the Chrome command line is:
<html><head></head><body>This is a test</body></head></html>
When I increase the timeout to 50 or more the output is the original page.
How do I tell Chrome to wait for the completion of an async process and how do I tell it when its complete ?
You can use the --virtual-time-budget parameter which allows you to specify the time you are willing to wait in milliseconds.
chrome --headless --enable-logging --dump-dom --virtual-time-budget=10000 http://localhost/test.html