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iOS Swift 5, Auto Release CoreText & CoreGraphics memory

I am using CoreText and CoreGraphics to load fonts from files within a directory, and then categories them according to the supported unicode characters in the font metadata using the following code, in a for loop :

if let provider = CGDataProvider(url: fontFileURL as CFURL) {
    if let font = CGFont(provider) {
        let ctFont = CTFontCreateWithGraphicsFont(font, 12, nil, nil)

        let chSet = CTFontCopyCharacterSet(ctFont)

        let cSet = chSet as CharacterSet

        let isAr = cSet.contains(Unicode.Scalar.init(unicodeScalarLiteral: "ب"))
        let isEn = cSet.contains(Unicode.Scalar.init(unicodeScalarLiteral: "b"))
        print(++index, isAr, isEn)

but at some point in time before the fore loop finished looping the files, the app crashed with the error message Terminated due to memory issue, so I suspect that either one of these four function leaks memory, or at lease I don't handle there memory properly:

CGDataProvider: constructor
CGFont: constructor
CTFontCreateWithGraphicsFont: func to convert CGFont to CTFont
CTFontCopyCharacterSet: get a copy of CharacterSet supported by the CTFont

I tried wrap the code with autoreleasepool but did not help.

Please Is there any way to release any allocated memory before continuing the loop to the next font file !!!


  • Extracting this code from the for loop into another function does the trick of releasing the associated memory with the loaded CGFont and the copied CharacterSet.