I wanted to use server-side-row-model in my Angular 7 project where I use ag-grid. In my package.json I found ag-grid-enterprise is already there as
"ag-grid-enterprise": "^20.0.0"
But inside node-modules/ag-grid-enterprise I do not find server-side-row-model. In the documentation it is advised as:
@ag-grid-enterprise/server-side-row-model": "~22.0.0"
So I try that in package.json. But it cannot import, neither I do find @ag-grid-enterprise inside node-modules.Neither can it import:
import { ServerSideRowModelModule } from '@ag-grid-enterprise/server-side-row-model';
You do not need @ag-grid-enterprise/server-side-row-model
if you've already had ag-grid-enterprise
. Besides, make sure you also have the following packages:
to make AgGrid
works with angular
: to include all community features. ag-grid-enterprise
only includes additional feature for enterprise users"ag-grid-angular": "^20.0.0",
"ag-grid-community": "^20.0.1",
"ag-grid-enterprise": "^20.0.0",
Don't forget to register your module in your app.module.ts
import { AgGridModule } from "ag-grid-angular";
import 'ag-grid-enterprise';
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule, AgGridModule.withComponents([])],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
There are 2 ways of importing AgGrid. Using package
or module
"ag-grid-enterprise": "^20.0.0"
This one is a package
which contains all of the feature. this is the easiest way to import
@ag-grid-enterprise/server-side-row-model": "~22.0.0"
This one is a separate module
. It allows you to cherry-pick only the features you need. It helps reduce the bundle size but needs more time to setup correctly
You cannot mix 2 of them together. Either use package
or module