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Cannot convert return expression of type 'User' to return type 'User?' for getting currentUser from Firebase

I'm new to Swift and I'm having trouble returning a User? value from currentUser in Firebase for CURRENT_USER. I have my User class declaration below and it's located in a separate UserApi file. All the help is greatly appreciated!

var CURRENT_USER: User? {
        if let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser {
            return currentUser
        return nil

User declaration:

class User {
    var email: String?
    var profileImageUrl: String?
    var username: String?
    var id: String?
    var isFollowing: Bool?

extension User {
    static func transformUser(dict: [String: Any], key: String) -> User {
        let user = User() = dict["email"] as? String
        user.profileImageUrl = dict["profileImageUrl"] as? String
        user.username = dict["username"] as? String = key
        return user


  • Since you have declared a User type in your project, the word User in var CURRENT_USER: User? { gets resolves to your own User type, rather than FirebaseAuth.User, which is in another module.

    To fix this, either:

    • rename your own User to something such as UserInfo, or;

    • Add the prefix FirebaseAuth. to User to differentiate:

      var currentUser: FirebaseAuth.User? { Auth.auth().currentUser }

      You can also add a typealias to give the Firebase User a different name:

      typealias FirebaseUser = FirebaseAuth.User